May 4th, Nestle Vevey

At 8 in the morning we are leaving Basel on a wonderful morning with blue sky and we are approaching the highway Bern. We see the whole famous mountains of the Bernese Oberland: Schreckhorn, Finsteraarhorn, Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau, Blümlisalp and Stockhorn, now blurring in the white back ground of the Föhn-clouds (the typical “mercury sky”) that brings the warm weather to the north, before it starts raining on the next day.
outlook india

Before the highway descends to the Rhone valley we take the exit to Bulle, close to the end of the Freiburgerland, the canton with the famous Gruyere cheese.  Bulle is the center of this valley dominated by the still snow covered Moleson and the long stretched Gruyere lake, artificially created by a dam. At the center we find a parking spot just in front of the tourist information. I ask where to buy the famous cheese. We have 2 laiteries (Molkereien) here, one right across the street and the other on 2 blocks away. We start with the 1st one, where we have a choice of 5 different ones. Sel, demi-sel, Douce, semi-douce, normal. The first one normal is the best and we decide to buy also 2 fondues with Vacherin, one with water the other one with wine. The city of Bulle is decorated with flowers everywhere and first guests sit in front of the restaurants and wait in the sun for their lunches. We buy a baguette and taste the cheese: wonderful. The second cheese shop (laitier) offers 8 types of Gruyere and we decide to get the youngest (Cuisine) and the oldest one (24 months old). [1]



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The road from Moravia to Galicia

Part 4

What is today northern Moravia was in the monarchy a 3-5 country mixture, see the map from Wikipedia. After 1804 and the Vienna congress the Kronland and Herzogtum Austria-Silesia was created until WW! (1918). Its capital was Troppau (Opava) and it consisted of 2 separated parts:  Herzogtum Austria-Silesia and Herzogtum Teschen. Between these 2 parts there was a small cone of the crownland Moravia, that led to the city of Mährisch-Ostrau (M. Ostrova). To the East of Teschen was the crownland Galicia and south of Austria-Silesia was the crownland Bohemia. Now those four parts belong to the Czech Republic, only the Teschen part was split between the Czech and the Polish state, while the northern Prussian and Polish part of Silesia belongs to Poland.

There are 2 Frýdlant with castles in the Czech Republic (CZ), one in northern Bohemia that Wallenstein got as reward from the Kaiser for being famous and victorious general in the 30 years’ war, and this one here in Moravia on the train track between Olomouc and Frýdek-Myste

Frýdek-Mystek is “Janitzki country”, because the aunt of my wife Hanka who passed on her house in Vienna to our daughter. The parents of aunt Janitzki are buried at the cemetery of Frýdek-Mystek. That is the twist of fate: The mother line of my wife and my father line had been separated in Moravia 100 years ago just by some small distance. So we passed on our Moravian genes for another generation.

Frýdek-Mystek.:  the main square

Frýdek-Mystek.: the main square

Frýdek-Mystek.: zamek

Frýdek-Mystek.: zamek


Veröffentlicht unter Familie, Wolfgang Polasek | Verschlagwortet mit , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Day 2: The Frenstat (Frankstadt) town hall with hidden treasures

Wolfgang, April 5

In the morning it started raining after heavy fog and we had an early breakfast before we reached the town again shortly after 9 a.m. First we passed by a road side place with a small park, which had as only statue “Carving his own destiny” in the center. Then we parked again at the main square with Albins Neptun Statue, which showed more busy life in the morning, just in front of the Polasek inn house. It has a plaque on the house commemorating him. While looking up the house an old lady of 70 years walking on a stick approached me and started talking. My wife translated: She lived in this house until she was kicked out. She remembers that she did eat in the inn when she was young. She offered us to visit the empty house if she could reach her friend. Weiterlesen

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The Victory of Reason: How Christianity Led to Freedom, Capitalism and Western Success

Wolfgang empfiehlt den Artikel auf der New York Times.

Ein kurzer Ausschnitt:

Rodney Stark comes out swinging right from the bell in „The Victory of Reason,“ his fiercely polemical account of the rise of capitalism. Stark, the author of „The Rise of Christianity“ and „One True God: Historical Consequences of Monotheism,“ is sick and tired of reading that religion impeded scientific progress and stunted human freedom. To those who say that capitalism and democracy developed only after secular-minded thinkers turned the light of reason on the obscurantism of the Dark Ages, he has a one-word answer: nonsense.
continue reading…

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Wolfgang Polasek | Schreib einen Kommentar

Von Wien nach Trencin

Wolfgang, April 4. 2012

Um 9 Uhr morgens beginnt die Autobahnfahrt von Wien nach Bratislava. In Kittsee, dem Grenzübergang in die Slowakei, gibt es keine Grenzkontrollen mehr. Dort, wo wir noch vor 2o Jahren bis zu 1h Stunde warten mussten, damit Grenzpolizisten gnädigst in unsere Pässe, ins Gepäck und mit Spiegeln unters Autos schauten, sass nur mehr ein einsamer Angestellter, der die Autobahnvignetten  schläfrig an ein paar Touristen pro Stunde verkaufte. Auf meine Frage, ob er denn eine Autobahnkarte verkaufe, antwortete er nur: „in 2 km“. Antworten wie diese kannte ich schon aus kommunistischen Zeiten. Sie war korrekt, aber wenig hilfreich, konnten doch die 2km sich auf einen grossen Radius beziehen und Verkaufsorte einbeziehen, wo ein verwöhnter Tourist aus dem Westen niemals auf die Idee kam, dass da Autobahnpläne verkauft werden.

Bei schönste Wetter und wenig stauenden Verkehr fuhren wir durch die slowakische Hauptstadt und die Donau in Richtung Norden in das Waag- (Vach-)Tal. Wir machten einem kurzen Stopp bei einer Autobahnstation, wo bereits die Kraut- und Gemüsesuppen zum Mittagessen bereit standen. Kurz vor Mittag trafen wir in Trencin ein. Wir mussten von der Autobahn abfahren und   fanden nach der Waag-Brücke an der Fussgängerzone  durch die Altstadteinen Parkplatz mit Geldautomaten.


Veröffentlicht unter Familie, Wolfgang Polasek | Schreib einen Kommentar

A visit to the Radhošť in the Moravian Beskid mountains

Where Albin Polasek ancestors came from

Wolfgang, April 4, 1012

April 4, 1012: Shortly before the Slovak highway from Bratislava (Pressburg) through the Vah (Waag) valley ends in Zilina (Sillein), we made a left turn to the international road leading to Olomouc (Olmütz), which is a famous old university city of Moravia (Mähren). We have to cross the Carpathian Mountains and the central pass Bumbalka on the border of Slovakia to the Czech Republic that is a small mountain resort. The skiing lifts were not operating anymore on this April 4th day, and from the top of the pass we had the first sight at the northern slopes of the Carpathians, called here the Moravian Beskides.


Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Wolfgang Polasek | Schreib einen Kommentar

Die Welt der Schönen und gesunden Spender

Wolfgang, Theater Basel, 24. März 2012, Benefizveranstaltung der Krebsliga beider Basel (KLBB).

Alle 2 Jahre findet sie statt, diese Benefizveranstaltung,  gesponsert vom Theater Basel. Ein Highlight der medizinfreundlichen Basler Gesellschaft. Laut Bericht der BaZ vom Montag danach, waren bei Beginn des Kartenverkaufs im Dezember bereits 2 Drittel der Karten durch Vorbestellung bereits verkauft. 100.000 Franken (80.000 Euro) kommen so der Krebsforschung zugute, die in neuen Therapien münden soll, so sagte es der Moderator am Beginn der Veranstaltung vor dem grossen roten Vorhang des Theater Basel.

Dieser Anlass war nicht die einzige Benefizveranstaltung an diesem Abend. Im Hotel 3 Könige (BaZ Originalton: „Les Trois Rois“) wurde zur gleichen Zeit auch Geld bei einer Kunstauktion von 30 Kunstwerken gesammelt für die Fondation Thorens, die hilfsbedürftige Künstler unterstützt. Auch dort kamen über 100.000 Franken zustande. Der Lokalteil der BaZ widmete diesem Grossereignis  von Mäzenatentum (an einem Abendallein)  eine ganze Seite – und, ganz wichtig, mit Fotos und Namen der Organisatoren. Weiterlesen

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lessons learned…

Lesson 1

A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings.

The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs.

When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbor. Before she says a word, Bob says, „I’ll give you $800 to drop that towel,“

After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob After a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves.

The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs. When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, „Who was that?“

„It was Bob the next door neighbor,“ she replies.

„Great,“ the husband says, „did he say anything about the $800 he owes me?“

Moral of the story

  • If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure.

—————————————————————————- Weiterlesen

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Ohne Noten nur Chaoten, mit viel Raten gibt’s Piraten.

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Familie | Schreib einen Kommentar


Wolfgang, March 2012

Theodicy is a topic where you find many unsatisfying approaches by philosophers or theologian. I have not heard a good answer so I was searching for a new one.

First, one example of a recent answer that sounds reasonable by the Swiss theologian Hans Küng:

„Durch Leiden … der Mensch zum Leben gelangen. Warum das so ist, warum das für den Menschen gut und sinnvoll ist, warum es nicht ohne Leid besser ginge, das kann keine Vernunft erweisen.“

„Through suffering …man will come to life. Why this is so, why that is good and meaningful for the people, why we would be better off without suffering, that can prove no reason. „

I have found a simple answer for myself why theodicy is present in our universe: Dualism is the culprit. In a dualistic world you have a dual logic. This is not a must, but is structural compatible with the principle of dualism. Dual logic means that you can deny any statement to its logical compliment. And then you have to make a choice, which is a consequence of the assumption of free will: one choice is the option ‘good’, the other ‘bad’. If you assume that the ‚good‘ side creates the human feeling happiness then bad creates the opposite. Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Wolfgang Polasek | Schreib einen Kommentar